California Wine Country Fires. Evacuating.

Tubbs Fire. Evacuating.EVACUATING. On Sunday night, 8 October, a fierce and unrelenting windstorm tore through wine country knocking down trees, branches and power lines. Wind gusts of 65+ mph ripped off our roof tiles and sent them flying through the vineyard along with pool furniture, tree branches and debris. When our power went out at about 10pm, we decided to start packing up a few things… just in case. Soon after, the sky toward Calistoga lit up bright orange, and by 11:25pm we could see the flames licking up above the trees on the ridge behind us. At 11:59pm we made our way down our driveway through fallen and airborne detritus, looking back and wondering if we would ever see our home again.

Too close… but we were fortunate. We are ok. Grable Vineyards is ok. Our hearts go out to our friends and neighbors. So much has been lost by so many.